Annual Report

Letter from the President and CEO

Dear Members,

On behalf of the Board of Directors, we extend our sincerest gratitude for your unwavering support and dedication throughout the past year. Your commitment has been pivotal in ​driving the AST forward and helping us grow each year.

In 2023, the AST Board of Directors finalized our three-year strategic plan, outlining our commitment to the Society and our members across five strategic aims: Continuous ​Innovation, Engaging Members, Serving Our Patients and the Broader Society, Developing the Workforce, and a Future-Enabled AST.

Here are some of our biggest highlights from the 2023 calendar year, categorized by strategic aim.

Continuous Innovation

  • Future of Transplantation: We held another Future of Transplantation meeting and had productive conversations with industry leaders on transplant innovation.
  • Research Grants: Since ATC 2023, we've awarded $1,076,000 in research grants to foster our commitment to advancing the field of transplantation through research, with ​$588,500 funded by the Society itself.
  • Our Communities of Practice (COPs) held five controversies conferences in 2023.
  • Cutting Edge of Transplantation (CEoT): We held a successful 2023 CEoT meeting with over 400 attendees, which focused on access for all in transplantation.
  • American Transplant Congress (ATC): We held the 2023 ATC in San Diego, CA, bringing together over 4,000 transplant professionals.
  • International Transplantation Science (ITS): In partnership with ESOT and TTS, we held the 2023 ITS meeting in Ontario, Canada.

Engaging Members

  • Our Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access to Life (IDEAL) Committee held a fireside chat with award-winning author Ibram Kendi on Antiracism as a Cornerstone of Health ​Equity.
  • In 2023, two-thirds of our members belonged to one or more Community of Practice (COP).
  • We added new demographic fields to member profiles to understand better and promote member diversity.
  • We welcomed 32 new Fellows of the American Society of Transplantation (FAST) members in 2023.

Serving Our Patients and the Broader Society

  • We made plans for a Hill Day to be held in early 2024, the first in-person visits since the pandemic. Our advocacy will focus on advancing the Living Donor Protection Act in the 118th ​Congress and voicing the need to resume the ability to transport organs on commercial flights—among other priorities.
  • We responded to 27 OPTN public comment proposals in 2023.
  • In 2023, we launched the patient survey on immunosuppression, which now has more than 10,000 patient responses.
  • The Living Donor Circle of Excellence continued to grow. As of July 2024, there are 180 member companies, covering 2.7 million employees.
  • Our Pediatric Community of Practice launched the Kidz Helping Kidz booklet and plans to expand this initiative to provide comfort and education to pediatric transplant patients.

Developing the Workforce

  • In 2023, we launched the AST Fellows Task Force to address declining interest in transplantation specialization. Early efforts included convening trainees and program directors, ​hosting workshops and conducting a national trainee survey.
  • We welcomed nearly 180 Fellows to the 2023 Fellows Symposium on Transplantation.

A Future-Enabled AST

  • We wrapped up the year with over 5,000 dedicated members in our community.
  • Throughout 2023, the AST worked to incorporate its strategic plan to ensure a successful future for the Society.

Thank you for being part of the AST community! Thanks to our incredible members, we are able to accomplish all that we do.

Josh Levitsky, MD, MS, FAST, FAASLD

AST President (2023)

Cynthia Reilly, MS, CAE

Chief Executive Officer

About the AST

Founded in 1982, the American Society of Transplantation ​(AST) is an organization of nearly 5,000 professional​s dedicated to advancing the field of transplantation an​d improving patient care by promoting research, education​, advocacy, and organ donation. The society is the larges​t transplant organization in North America and is recognize​d as the premier society for transplantation. AST members ar​e sought out as transplant experts and advocates. Othe​r transplant organizations, policy makers, regulatory agencies​, payors, academic institutions, and the general public look t​o the AST for guidance, research, and resources related t​o transplantation​.​

2023 Board of Directors

Marie Chisholm-Burns, PharmD PhD MPH MBA

Oregon Health & Science University

Matthew Cooper, MD, FACS, FAST

Medical College of Wisconsin

Anne Dipchand, MD, FRCPC

Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto

Mandy Ford, PhD, FAST

Emory University

John Friedewald, MD, FAST

Northwestern University

Shelley Hall, MD, FACC, FHFSA, FAST

Baylor University Medical Center

Vineeta Kumar, MD, FAST

University of Alabama at Birmingham

Raymund Razonable, MD

Mayo Clinic College of Medicine & Science

Deirdre Sawinski, MD, FAST

New York Presbyterian/

Weill Cornell Medical Center


Josh Levisky

Northwestern University


Deepali Kumar, MD, MSc, FRCPC, FAST

University Health Network Toronto


Jon Kobashigawa, MD

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center



University of Wisconsin


Nicole Turgeon, MD

Dell Seton Medical Center

at The University of Texas

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging

The AST acknowledges the importance of fostering diversity, equity, inclusion, ​and belonging (DEIB) within the transplant community. In 2020, we ​established what has become the Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access to ​Life (IDEAL) Committee, dedicated to advancing these principles.

Throughout 2024, the IDEAL Committee focused on raising awareness and ​advocating for DEIB issues within our community. One highlight was ​developing a calendar of events to recognize important dates such as Pride ​Month, National Indigenous Peoples Day, and the Lunar New Year.

Looking forward, the AST is developing the "Finding Your Voice" toolkit, which ​will launch in 2024 and empower underserved populations to advocate for ​themselves during kidney transplants.

In 2023, we introduced optional demographic fields to member profiles to ​better serve our diverse membership, recognizing the importance of capturing ​varied perspectives.

We remain committed to advancing DEI within the transplant community and ​appreciate the ongoing support of our members, partners, and supporters in ​this endeavor.


With over 1,000 new members joining us in 2023, we are pleased ​to report another year of growth for our organization. All major ​transplant specialties and career levels are represented in our ​membership, which enables us to achieve so much together.

By leveraging our members' collective knowledge and expertise, ​we are able to provide our community with the best possible ​resources and support.

We are committed to growing and strengthening our membership ​in the coming years. We aim to provide a welcoming and ​supportive community where professionals can connect, learn, ​and grow in their careers. We look forward to continuing to work ​with our members and are proud to be part of the professional ​growth of each member.



AST Members

Woman Working At Home Using Her Laptop

Communities of Practice

The AST's Communities of Practice (COPs) play a vital role in ​fostering collaboration, knowledge sharing, and professional ​development within the field of transplantation. To support this ​mission, the COPs offered 50 grants totaling $45,350 to aid ​trainees, fellows, medical students, and other presenters ​attending ATC 2023.

Furthermore, 43% of COP members actively participated in the ​2024-2025 Executive Committee election. This high level of ​engagement reflects the strong sense of community and ​dedication among COP members.

Looking back at the past year's achievements, each COP had ​notable highlights, showcasing the incredible work and ​advancements made in their respective areas of expertise.

Advanced Practice Providers COP (APP COP)

  • Highlighted APP COP members through a Membership Spotlight quarterly on the Hub.
  • Distributed APP Transplant Certification Exam - Needs Assessment Survey.
  • Offered three APP COP ATC 2024 Travel Grants to members presenting at ATC.

Community of Transplant Scientists (COTS)

  • Organized and held a symposium at FOCIS 2024 (co-sponsored with ASHI and TTS).
  • Organized and held a symposium at AAI IMMUNOLOGY2024™.
  • Published a manuscript from their symposium at ATC 2023 on Mouse Models in Transplantation.

Donation and Transplantation Optimization COP (DTO COP)

  • The output of the Controversies Conference collaboration with TxAQM COP was a successful webinar titled "An Overview of the Current Financial Ecosystem of Organ ​Donation and Transplantation."
  • The membership within the COP continues to expand, with over 217 current members.

Infectious Diseases COP (IDCOP)

  • Planned and attended an event during IDWeek along with the ASTCT TID-SIG and IDSA TID.
  • IDCOP guidelines for xenotransplantation were developed and published to establish standardized microbiological monitoring protocols for swine and recipients, aimed at ​enhancing the safety of clinical xenotransplantation.
  • Maintained public online library, www.transplantid.net

Kidney Pancreas COP (KPCOP)

  • Developed three new workgroups to address pre- and post-transplant management of patients with paraprotein-associated kidney diseases, metabolic disease in kidney ​transplant candidates, and fair wRVU targets for Transplant Nephrology.
  • Sponsored the first COP-led AST Research Grant funded through KPCOP member donations.
  • Initiated the Transplant Nephrology Fellowship workgroup to work towards ACGME accreditation for Transplant Nephrology that was later incorporated into a larger AST ​and ASN effort to pursue accreditation.

Living Donor COP (LDCOP)

  • Continued the LDCOP Support a Member Program, which aimed to foster multidisciplinary collaboration by sponsoring AST memberships for non-doctoral professionals ​working in living donation. The program sponsored six memberships for 2024.
  • The Multimedia workgroup continued to create visual abstracts and infographics. The group was one of the finalists for the CEoT 2024 Visionary Challenge.
  • Initiated a new workgroup to study the current practices in evaluation of living kidney donors with metabolic syndrome and provide recommendations.

Liver and Intestinal COP (LICOP)

  • Offered their second $10,000 LICOP Grant Award. Dr. Giuseppe Cullaro was selected as the grant recipient on his research proposal, “Investigating the role of ​MASLD‐associated genetic mutations in the development and progression of CKD post‐liver transplantation.”
  • Hosted a networking event at 2023 AASLD Liver Meeting for their Education Subcommittee members.
  • LICOP won the Donation Derby.

Pediatric COP (PCOP)

  • Developed a Transition Taskforce workgroup to update and revise the current Pediatric Transition Portal. Launch is projected for Summer 2025.
  • Hosted a Controversies Conference in December 2023 on “Adjusting the Paradigm on Cannabis use in Solid Organ Transplantation.”

Psychosocial and Ethics COP (PSECOP)

  • Launched the Caregiver Toolkit, a resource for transplant caregivers.
  • Hosted a Controversies Conference in October 2023 on “Vaccine Hesitancy in the Age of COVID-19: Guidance for Mandates vs Individualized Approaches in the ​Pediatric Solid Organ Transplant Candidate.”
  • Ethics in Transplant webinars have been developed focusing on evaluating the ethical and psychosocial considerations for prisoners as transplantation ​candidates and prisoners as potential living donors. These webinars are scheduled for 2024.

Recovery and Preservation COP (RAP COP)

  • Developed three new workgroups to address Education, Communication, and Public Policy.
  • Offered two RAP COP Rising Star Grants for trainees to attend ATC.
  • Invited the COP’s new members each month to attend RAP COP Executive Committee calls to learn more about opportunities to get involved.

Thoracic and Critical Care COP (TCC COP)

  • Convened two COP-wide journal clubs and webinars.
  • Held bi-weekly “office hours” over Summer 2023 for members to brainstorm and create program proposals for ATC 2024.
  • Offered four TCC COP ATC 2024 Travel Grants for members to attend ATC.

Transplant Diagnostic COP (TxDx COP)

  • Offered three ATC 2024 travel grants to trainee members to present a case study at the TxDx COP Annual Meeting at ATC.
  • Continued the “Top Ten Reads in Transplant Diagnostics” – an annual compilation of the most influential articles in transplant diagnostics from the previous ​year.
  • Began work on the Diagnostics Workgroup, a joint effort with the KPCOP, to evaluate the clinical utility and cost effectiveness of different biomarkers.

Transplant Administration and Quality Management COP (TxAQM COP)

  • The output of the Controversies Conference collaboration with TxAQM COP was a successful webinar titled "An Overview of the Current Financial Ecosystem of Organ ​Donation and Transplantation."
  • Participated as an affiliate sponsor at TMF UNOS 2024 by sponsoring the Best of the Best Award.
  • Introduced a monthly Learning Circle for TxAQM COP members with drop-in office hours for peer-directed learning. Each session focuses on a specific topic, promoting ​active participation, problem-solving, and learning from one another to benefit patient care.

Transplant Pharmacy COP (TxPharm COP)

  • Appointed a DEIB Ambassador and developed a DEIB workgroup to focus on going advocacy within all TxPharm COP activities.
  • Created a Research and Innovation workgroup in collaboration with ACCP to focus on multisite research projects.
  • Completed the Controversies Conference “Evaluation of Medication Adherence Assessment in Solid Organ Transplantation” and finalized the TRAMM Tool.

Trainee and Young Faculty COP (TYF COP)

  • Hosted a Controversies Conference in December 2023 on “Solid Organ Transplantation (SOT) In the Elderly: Current Practices & Attitudes.”
  • Along with the WHCOP, TYF COP offered 8 travel grants for medical students and residents to attend ATC. Over 100 applications were received for this grant.
  • Offered four ATC 2024 travel grants to trainee members.

Women's Health COP (WHCOP)

  • Launched three new workgroups – Education, Leadership and Development, and Mentoring to develop educational activities, create a webinar series on leadership and ​career advancement, and pair mentees and mentors to support trainees and young faculty.
  • Collaborated with PSECOP to develop a survey to assess AST members’ knowledge, beliefs, and practices regarding the care of transgender patients.
  • Along with the TYF COP, WHCOP offered 8 travel grants for medical students and residents to attend ATC. Over 100 applications were received for this grant.


The AST holds several meetings each year. Meetings ​held during 2023 included:

  • American Transplant Congress (ATC)
  • Cutting Edge of Transplantation (CEoT)
  • Fellows Symposium on Transplantation
  • Future of Transplantation.

Learn more about our current meetings on our website.

Cutting Edge of Transplantation (CEoT)

The Cutting Edge of Transplantation (CEoT) meeting continues to be a must-attend event for transplant professionals at all career levels. This meeting ​focuses on a single topic and fosters an interactive discussion and collaboration. The 2023 meeting, held in Scottsdale, AZ, brought together over 400 ​attendees to explore "Access for All: Embracing New Frontiers in Transplantation?”

American Transplant Congress (ATC)

The American Transplant Congress (ATC) is the premier joint meeting between the AST and the American Society of Transplant Surgeons (ASTS). This ​meeting brings together leading experts from around the world to exchange the latest cutting-edge research and clinical findings in all areas of ​transplantation. ATC attendees participate in meeting sessions and society-specific events, including COP meetings and the AST Town Hall. With a ​focus on all organ types, ATC provides a comprehensive platform for learning and networking in transplantation. In 2023, over 4,000 transplant ​professionals joined us in San Diego, CA.

Fellows Symposium on Transplantation

This Symposium is tailored for early-career professionals seeking to establish a career in transplantation and offers a unique opportunity to network ​and interact with senior faculty members in the field. In 2023, nearly 200 transplant fellows attended this symposium, highlighting its continued ​importance for the AST in nurturing and growing the next generation of transplant professionals.

Future of Transplantation

The AST held its third annual Future of Transplantation meeting in November 2023. The meeting aimed to connect corporate stakeholders in our field ​and address unmet transplantation needs. Over 100 people attended, including representatives from 29 companies. The goal of this meeting was to ​encourage those in our industry to take a more innovative approach to the development of new therapeutics and diagnostics.

Person Using Macbook Pro Beside White Ceramic Mug


The AST is dedicated to delivering exceptional educational resources for ​transplant professionals and patients. Programs like the Comprehensive Trainee ​Curriculum (CTC), Transplant in 10 (Tx10) video series, Timely Topics (T3) ​webinars, and the AST Journal Club Series have provided valuable insights to ​thousands of transplant professionals globally. In 2023, the Society organized 22 ​webinars and Journal Clubs, covering a broad spectrum of key topics.

Highlights include:

  • AST began a series of "GLobal Education Exchange" (GLEE) webinars by ​partnering with the Indian Society of Organ Transplantation (ISOT) for a ​webinar on "Evolving Biomarkers in Kidney Transplantation."
  • The AST Transplant Administration and Quality Management COP, Thoracic ​and Critical Care COP, and the AST Education Committee developed a ​collaborative webinar series on "A.I. & Transplantation."
  • Dr. Michael Ison presented a new whiteboard talk on "Evaluation of ​Infectious Causes of Diarrhea in SOT Recipients" for the AST Transplant in 10 ​(Tx10) video library.
  • The APOLLO Dissemination Working Group partnered with AST for a video and ​webinar on “Best Practices in Next of Kin Research Authorization After ​Consent for Organ Donation.”
  • The AST VCA Advisory Council added to the "VCA for the Transplant ​Community - The Need and the Achieved (Debunking the Myths)" series with ​two new webinars on "Laryngeal Transplantation" and "Parathyroid ​Transplantation."

Organ Donation

The Living Donor Circle of Excellence, established in October 2020, recognizes ​employers who provide paid leave to employees who become living organ donors. ​Financial obstacles often deter potential donors, especially since recovery from ​the procedure typically requires four to six weeks. Many donors are forced to use ​vacation time or take unpaid leave.

In 2023, the AST collaborated with its strategic partners to expand the Circle of ​Excellence. By August 2024, the program included 180 companies, representing ​2.7 million employees.

Visit our website to learn more about the program, its members, and partners.


In 2023, the AST continued championing the Living Donor Protection Act through ​grassroots initiatives and its government relations team. This included an early ​2024 visit to Capitol Hill with AST members and patients to advocate for the ​legislation, which is vital for safeguarding the rights of living donors who ​generously provide the gift of life. The Society remains focused on encouraging ​Congressional co-sponsorship of this important bill.

Additionally, the AST responded to 27 OPTN public comment proposals ​throughout the year.

Service to the Community

2023 brought plenty of triumphs for our patient-focused Core Value at the AST. ​We broadened our brand recognition for Power2Save by creating an international ​Community Mosaic that incorporated all walks of the transplant and donation ​journey, including patients and providers. The mosaic was a testament to the work ​done at the AST and why our members work so hard.

Recipients and caregivers opened sessions and participated in panels at the 2023 ​Cutting Edge of Transplantation, allowing them to actively play a role in changes ​and innovation planned for transplant. This welcoming of patients to the main ​stage at medical conferences has opened the door for conversations that would ​not have been possible prior.

2023 also allowed for the focus on important topics, such as the mental health of ​transplant patients and their family members. During Mental Health Awareness ​Month, we released five videos that focused on the often-difficult journey of ​receiving an organ or caring for someone who received an organ. A patient focus ​group was also held to discuss missed opportunities directly from the source. ​This, in turn, allowed the Transplant Community Advisory Council and the ​Community Education Committee to submit several proposals for ATC 2024 and ​focus on the needs of the broader patient community.


The AST Research Network aims to help researchers develop a new generation of ​safer and more effective medications, develop new tests to help optimize ​medication therapy for each patient, and eliminate the chance of organ rejection.

Since ATC 2023, we've awarded $1,076,000 in research grants to foster our ​commitment to advancing the field of transplantation through research, with ​$588,500 funded by the AST.

Justin Steggerda, MD | Cedars Sinai Medical Center

AST/Gift of Life Translational Early Faculty Development Grant

Research Title: Effects of C1 Esterase Inhibitor on Complement Activation ​During Ex Vivo Perfusion of Discarded Kidney Allografts

Afsana Naaz, PhD | University of Pittsburgh

AST Research Network/CSL Behring Basic Fellowship Research Grant

Research Title: Temporo-local Targeting of Dysregulated Repair Responses to ​Prevent Chronic Heart Transplant Rejection

Victor Tkachev, PhD | Massachusetts General Hospital

AST Research Network/Veloxis Basic Early Faculty Development Research ​Grant

Research Title: Role of Vasculature-associated CX3CR1+ CD8+T-effector Cells ​in Acute Cellular Rejection of Lung Allograft

Alberto Pinsino, MD | Columbia University Irving Medical Center

AST Research Network/Sanofi Clinical Fellowship Research Grant

Research Title: Cystatin C and Serum Creatinine for Kidney Function ​Assessment in Heart Transplantation Candidates and Recipients: A ​Comparative Analysis Against Iohexol Plasma Clearance

Jake Natalini, MD | New York University Grossman School of Medicine

AST Research Network/Kidney Pancreas Community of Practice Clinical Early ​Faculty Development Research Grant

Research Title: Longitudinal Microbial-Host Signatures and Risk for Acute ​Cellular Rejection in Lung Transplantation

Johannes Wedel, MD, PhD | Boston Children's Hospital

AST Research Network Basic Science Career Transition Research Grant

Research Title: Identification of Novel Semaphorin-inducible ​Immunoregulatory Cell Subsets

Wei Tao, PhD | Brigham and Women's Hospital, Inc.

AST Research Network Translational Science Career Transition Research Grant

Research Title: circRNA Nanoparticle-based Gel Relieving Acute Rejection for ​Improved Face/Skin Transplantation

Anna Peters, MD PhD | Children's Hospital Medical Center

AST Research Network Translational Science Career Transition Research Grant

Research Title: Defining T Cell Allospecificity in Pediatric Liver Rejection

Sharad Wadhwani, MD, MPH | University of California, San Francisco

AST Research Network Clinical Science Career Transition Research Grant

Research Title: Addressing Social Adversity to Improve Transition of Care for ​Adolescent Liver Transplant Recipients



Lifetime Achievement Award

John "Jack" Lake, MD

Transplant Advocacy Award

Ms. Ava Babbin-Kaufman

Advancing Equity in Organ Transplantation

Larissa Myaskovsky

Senior Achievement in Clinical Transplantation

Anil Chandraker


Robin Avery

Physician of Distinction

Lori West

Basic Established Investigator

Reza Abdi

Basic Science Investigator

Paolo Cravedi

Basic Science Career Development

Geoffrey Camirand

Clinical Science Established Investigator

Peter Reese

Clinical Science Investigator

Darshana Dadhania

Clinical Science Career Development

Syed Husain

Distinguished Senior Career

Anat Tambur

Distinguished Mid-Career

Christina Doligalski

Distinguished Early Career

Nicole Wilson



President's Circle

Darshana Dadhania

Sanjeevi Foundation

University of Wisconsin Division of ​Transplantation

Sustaining Member

James Allan

Kimberly Ann Brown

Linda Cendales

Matthew Cooper

Daley Family Foundation

Rajani Dinavahi

Anne Dipchand

Robert Fairchild

David Foley

Richard Formica

Maryl Johnson

Andrew Keys

Deepali Kumar

Vineeta Kumar

Josh Levitsky

Luke Preczewski

Millie Samaniego

Melody Sherwood

Neeraj Singh

Hossein Tabriziani

Bekir Tanriover

Texas Mezzaine Fund Inc

Susan Ellyn Thomas and Barbara E ​Thomas

Kenneth Woodside

Najeeb Zoubi


Andrew Adams

Bradley Adams

Rita Alloway

Robin Avery

Jamil Azzi

Kathleen Belmonte

Emily Blumberg

Lyndsey Bowman

Michelle Burton

David Cohen

Howard Eisen

Mandy Ford

Brett Fortune

John Gill

Ronald Gill

Laura Hammel

Michelle Josephson

Ronald Kerman

Jennifer Lai

Deborah Levine

Keri Lunsford

Xunrong Luo

Dianne McKay

Marian Michaels

Kenneth Newell

Sean Pinney

Lisa Potter

Jesse Schold

Helen Te

Karin True

Nicole Turgeon

María A Valencia Creel

Lisa VanWagner

Kymberly Watt

Alexander Wiseman


Deborah Adey

Vatche Agopian

Olufemi Akindipe

Christopher Blosser

Danielle Brandman

John Bucuvalas

Daniel Calabrese

Olga Charnaya

Marie Chisholm-Burns

Shandie Covington

Maryjane Farr

John Friedewald

Sandeep Ghai

JoAnn Gwynn

Danielle Haakinson

Shelley Hall

Kathy Jabs

Kathleen Julian

Andrew Keaveny

Burnett Kelly

Jasleen Kukreja

John Lake

Krista Lentine

Jiejian Lin

Zurabi Lominadze

Jonathan Maltzman

Olivia Martinez

Madhav Menon

Anjana Pillai

Michael Schilsky

Christopher Sonnenday

Dennis Sonnier

Simon Tremblay

Chad Waller

Laila Woc-Colburn


Anum Abbas

Ammar Abdulbaki

Wala Abusalah

Oluwafisayo Adebiyi

Ruth Adekunle

Aasim Afzal

Gaurav Agarwal

Patrick Ahearn

Faris Ahmed

Enver Akalin

Samhar Al-Akash

Sanjeev Akkina

Fawaz Al Ammary

Maha Alamri

Maria-Luisa Alegre

Alessandro Alessandrini

Mohanad Al-Qaisi

Nicole Alvey

Prince Anand


Michael Angarone

Monica Ardura

Venkatesh Ariyamuthu

Walid Ayoub

Michael Ball

Brenda Bennett-Pike

Maria Bettinotti

Anshul Bhalla

Scott Biggins

Kelly Birdwell

Therese Bittermann

Daryle Blackstock

Eliza Blanchette

Roy Bloom

Amy Bobrowski

Kenneth Bodziak

Justin Boike

Ravindra Bollu

Danielle Boschetto

Laurine Bow

Carla Brady

Daniel Brennan

Eileen Brewer

Jonathan Bromberg

Marie Budev

Laura Butler

Jennifer Byrns

Maya Campara

Edison Cano Cevallos

Michael Carboni

Ashley Cardenas

Amber Carrier

David Cartier

Marilia Cascalho

Michael Casey

Vincent Casingal

Natalia Castillo Almeida

Tiffany Caza

Kristina Chacko

Shaun Chandna

Shirley Chang

Alexandra Cheezem

Anita Chong

Jennifer Chow

Nicholas Chun

Nina Clark

Evan Clemens

Elizabeth Cohen

Beatrice Concepcion

Hannah Copeland

Lynn Cornell

Nadiesda Costa

Meredith Coyle

Betty Crandall

Gonzalo Crespo

Rosemary Cross

Giuseppe Cullaro

Kevin Daly

Andrew deLemos

Rowena Delos Santos

Deepika Devuni

Antonio Di Carlo

Kevin Downes

Cinthia Drachenberg

Michael Duncan

Ty Dunn

Christine Durand

Albert Eid

Juliet Emamaullee

Rachel Engen

Mohamed Ezzelarab

Evan Farkash

Jan Finn

M Roy First

Graeme Forres

Daniel Friedman

Daniel Ganger

Hayley Gans

Jorge Garces

Rouba Garro

Jin Ge

Roshan George

Melissa Gitman

Jason Goldman

Elisa Gordon

Robert Gottlieb

Mahendra Govani

Todd Grazia

Michael Green

Cesar Guerrero-Miranda

Praveen Gundelly

Nancy Halnon

Benjamin Hanisch

D. Brian Haver

Madeleine Heldman

Mark Hobeika

Simon Horslen

Timothy Horwedel

Maarouf Hoteit

Haley Hoy

Howard Huang

Dempsey Hughes

Regina Hukill

Alan Hutchison

Whitney Jackson

Amrish Jain

Anuja Java

Jody Jones

Soma Jyothula

Tiffany Kaiser

Thomas Kaleekal

Jeanne Kamal

Douglas Keith

Karen Khalil

Diala Khirfan

Nadeen Khoury

Laura Kimberly

Lindsay King

Elizabeth Knackstedt

Jon Kobashigawa

Sudha Kodali

Rosy Priya ​Kodiyanplakkal

Angelina Korsun

Christine Koval

Rachel R Koval

Edward Kraus

Anne Kreiss

Aleksandra Kukla

Satyarth Kul

Kristin Kuntz

Rebecca Kumar

Osun Kwon

Anne Lachiewicz


Rhonda Larrabe

Dong-Heun Lee

Tzu-Hao Lee

Grace Lee-Riddle

Regis Legnine

Alexander Lemmer

Kristopher Lepere

Mark Lerman

Thomas Leventhal

Marilyn Levi

Christina Leyson

AnnMarie Liapakis

Aimen Liaqat

Sarah Lieber

Mary Ann Lim

Nicholas Lim

Christina Lindenmeyer

Brenda Ling

Michelle Lubetzky

Michael Lucey

Alfred Luk

Clara Lyons

Hector Madariaga

Martin Mai

Divyanshu Malhotra

Jorge Mallea

Roslyn Mannon

Baltazar Martinez-Navarrete

Brian Masters

James Mathew

Thin Thin Maw

Marilyn McEnhill

Gwen McNatt

Aneesh Mehta

Sapna Mehta

Christina Irene Mejia

Michael Mengel

Nancy Metzler

Leigh Anne Mixon

Maha Mohamed

Victoria Muggia

David Mulligan

Sruti Nadimpalli

Corina Nailescu

Kari Neemann

Lieuko Nguyen

Silke Niederhaus

Andriana Nikolova

Camilla Nonterah

John Paul Norvell

Karam Obeid

Jon Odorico

Linda Ohler

Omobonike Oloruntoba

Song Ong

Jeffrey Orlowski

Itunu Owoyemi

Shi-Hui Pan

Sandesh Parajuli

Tarina Parpia

Ronald Parsons

Stephen Pastan

Gopi Patel

Hiren Patel

Samir Patel

Martha Pavlakis

Jordan Pober

Stephanie Pouch

Faruq Pradhan

Chethan Puttarajappa

Giorgio Raimondi

Mina Rakoski

Mohan Ramkumar

Daniel Ranch

Karthik Ranganna

Kadiyala Ravindra

Raymund Razonable

Joy Realmuto

Christianne Reiniger

Nancy Rodig

James Rodrigue

Russell Rosenblatt

Jessica Rubin

Susan Rubman

Sutthichai Sae-Tia

Kapil Saharia

Ruth Sapir-Pichhadze

Monika Sarkar

Randy Schaffer

Marc Schecter

Thomas Schiano

Maria Segovia

Lynne Senecal

Marina Serper

Neil Shah

Silvi Shah

Pratima Sharma

Aneesha Shetty

Pooja Singh

Alastair Smith

Gina Smith

Laurie Snyder

David Snydman

Spring Hill High School

Genevieve Springer

Akshay Sreekumar

Catherine Staffeld-Coit

Josef Stehlik

Robert Stratta

Aruna Subramanian

Paul Sue

Melissa Swee

Stuart Sweet

Qizhi Tang

Nicole Theodoropoulos

Carrie Thiessen

Mary Thomson

Andrea Tietjen

Kathleen Tornatore

Hirsh Trivedi

Shannan Tujios

Heth Turnquist

Brahm Vasudev

Elizabeth Verna

Holenarasipur Vikram

Jon Von Visger

Gayle Vranic

Sharad Wadhwani

Amy Waterman

Johannes Wedel

Blair Weikert

Adam Winters

Joshua Wolf

Anju Yadav

Laura Yamagata


Muhammad Yaqub

Zachary Yetmar

Aklilu Yishak

Edward Zavala

Zheng Zhang

AST Club

Khodor Abou Daya

Essa Abuhelaiqa

Elizabeth Aby

Mark Aeder

Nada Alachkar

Amit Alam

Fritzie Albarillo

Sridhar Allam

Carolyn Alonso

Eric Altneu

Anna Apostolopoulou

Amal Aqul

Saima Aslam

Julie Atkinson

Arther Baker

Krishna Balabhadrapatruni

Vasanthi Balaraman

Wendy Balliet

Emily Baneman

David Baran

Kim Barnett

Rachel Bartash

Elena Beam

Sara Belga

William Bennett

Jose Bernardo

Eric Bhaimia

Bismarck Bisono Garcia

Barbra Blair

Leslie Bossert

Jessica Brennan

Alicia Brenner

Elizabeth Brombosz

Robert Brown

Heather Bruschwein

Daniel Burack

Francisco Calvache Meyer

Marlene Cano

Jillian Casale

Atiya Chachar

Yasolatha Chalicheemala

Mary Chandran

Justin Chen

Leway Chen

Wisit Cheungpasitporn

Chia-Yu Chiu

Arielle Cimeno

Tiffany Coco

Mariesa Cote

Barrett Crowther

Carolyn Cummings

Reem Daloul

Jennifer Dan

Lara Danziger-Isakov

Kristina Davis

Nader Dbouk

Ersilia DeFilippis

Abhay Dhand

Vikas Dharnidharka

Christina Doligalski

Stacey Doll

Hazel Domingo

Samarth Durgam

Alissar El Chediak

John Esli Medina Morales

Anmary Fernandez

Jay Fishman

Todd Frederick

Stacy Fredrick

Risa Fuller

Lanea Glauner

Aviva Goldberg

Loren Gragert

Sharon Graves

Paul Grimm

Molly Groose

Gaurav Gupta

Maitreyee Gupta

Mallika Gupta

Nghiem Ha

Mahnur Haider

Abdolreza Haririan

Courtney Harris

Matt Harris

Jacqueline Henson

Jennifer Horan Saullo

Brian Horwich

Yihung Huang

Melanie Hundt

Dilek Ince

Manhal Izzy

Gina Jamero

Arin Jantz

Nathalie Jean

Michelle Jesse

Lianhua Jin

Tuhina Joseph

Roberto Kalil

Matthew Kappus

Andrew Karaba

Nanda Kerkar

Hailey Kessler

Andy Kim

Sonya Kothadia

Themistoklis Kourkoumpetis

Jill Krisl

Abhishek Kumar

Juhi Kumar

Sarat Kuppachi

Mary Kurschat

Allison Kwong

Jean Kwun

Ricardo La Hoz

Laila Lakhani

Brian Lee

Abbie Leino

Tracy Lemonovich

Victor Lewis

Rochelle Liverman

Cathy Logan

Jackson Londeree

Holly Mansell

Veronica Martinez

Katherine Marting

Paulo Martins

Lauren Matevish


Ryan Maves

Sarah Mervis

Lindsay Meurer

Daniel Minter

Aaron Mishkin

Irfan Moinuddin

Sherif Mossad

Denise Motowski

William Muller

Naoka Murakami

Brenda Muth

Kevin Myer

Yael Nobel

Michael Nurok

Marco Oldsman

Jacqueline O'Leary

Courtney Overton

Jignesh Patel

Aditya Pawar

J Ryan Pena

Marcus Pereira

Juan Perez

Varun Phadke

Meaghan Phipps

Dawn Pluckrose

Lisa Potter

Lindsay Powell

Yoram Puius

Meenakshi Rana

Saritha Ranabothu

Swati Rao

Shehzad Rehman

Julie Riggs

Elizabeth Rubinstein

Christina Ruggia-Check

Kristen Ryland

Ayman Saeyeldin

Peter Sage

Mahmoud Salem

Cheryl Sanchez

Marion Sanders

Pooja Sanghi

Emily Sartain

Sajed Sarwar

Deirdre Sawinski

Joanna Schaenman

Claire Schmidt

Mita Shah

Salma Shaikhouni

Alexandra Shingina

Fernanda Silveira

Olivia Snow

Julie Steinbrink

Meaghan Stumpf

Samuel Sultan

Kristen Szempruch

Sarah Taimur

Patrick Tam

Ralph Tayyar

Lisa Teh

Sanya Thomas

Brandon Trollinger

Shirley Tsunoda

Nneka Ufere

Megan Urbanski

Basak Uygun

Pamela Valentino

Brian Valeria

David Van Duin

Manu Varma

Kara Ventura

Sarthak Virmani

Jordan Warunek

Kara Wegermann

Stephan Weinland

Dana Whitney

Karen Wilder

Ann Woolley

Megan Yanik

Tirdad Zangeneh

Alex Zimmet

Our Partners

Thank you to the following ​companies and ​organizations for their ​generous support of AST ​and its activities.